Church of State…

[16] June 27, 2015 at 8:04am


{door creaking open}

Man thinking…”Maybe Music is the answer?”
Song starts…
                                                         }}} Church of State {{{

(Ode to the Declaration of Independence and American Bill of (Human) Rights)

Now there you’ve gone and dun it…

…the World will not out run it

People are now the “collective”…

…your power complete

…over consciousness awareness

With 21 at the “Core”

Your Doctrines are Many…

…your Dogma complete

God’s the Collective…

…in Human physical State

The Earth is Your Alter…

…regulations your prayers

Oligarchs, Popes and Judges..

…Seal your “Pedestrian” fate…

Oligarchs, Popes and Judges…

Well, they Total the “State”

You’ve established the Church of State

…now there is no separation, from you and your God

There’s Commandment so many…

…you can never comply

They’ve taken your Liberty…

…run your Defenses all dry

Why the Council, the Collective and Sharia’h, teach your Children, what they need…

…change your history and ban your memories

because, After elections, we will “Punish our Enemies”…

They’ve Established the Church of State…

…”Progressive” Evil says it’s already too Late

They’ve Established the Church of State…

…Oligarchs, Popes and Judges

Steal all God’s Liberty

They’ve Established the Church of State
…and our “Leaders” Let Them!

Gave God’s Freedoms away…

June 27,2015 7:33AM


********** I AM JESUS *********

I Am Jesus…I AM Jesus…I AM JESUS…

I am Jesus…
…and I am Born Again
I am Jesus…
…Born Again…

I am Jesus…I Am Jesus…I AM Jesus…

Accept ME…as Your Lord and Savior
…I am Jesus…I am Jesus
As… I Accept You as MY Lord and Savior
…I am Jesus…I am Jesus

Only Support…Small Government….
…only Support…limited “Regulations”
Only With Individualism…is there CREATION
….True Freedom…
Grow The Consciousness of God…
And Realize the Glory…

So I am Jesus…I Am Jesus…I AM JESUS
And so ARE YOU…
You see that…You are Jesus…you are Jesus…
…We ALL are Jesus…that’s Why He Died (Heaven Now)
We’re all Jesus…make up the Body of Christ

We All Died…on the Cross that Day…

WE all Live…in Eternal Salvation!!!

I am Jesus…I Am Jesus…I AM JESUS

I Accept YOU as my Lord and Savior… (I am Jesus…I am Jesus…I am Jesus)
We’re ALL Apart of the Body of Christ
…I am Jesus…
Parts of the Body of Christ!!!

Demonize and Denigrate

***********Crush Your Faith************

Demonize and Denigrate, that’s How Progressives
…Crush Your Faith
Make you ashamed of Your Christ…
…..Don’t emphasize HOW HE DIED
Demonize and Denigrate…that’s How Progressives
….Kill Your Faith

It’s all about THEIR “Progression”…How close to their “Collective Salvation”?
Ego cloaked in “Good Works”…really Just Redistribution…Tax Human Life…is
Always their solution…

So they will, “Demonize and Denigrate, that’s how Progressives Initiate”
…into their “New” World Order…but just really Old Totalitarian….

…So Demonize and Denigrate, that’s how Progressives Crush Your Faith…
Demonize and Denigrate…that’s how Progressives Stop Debate…

Make you ashamed of YOUR Christ…
…Don’t emphasize WHY he Died…

They Have an Agenda to Crush Your FAITH

…and their plan is close to Fruition!


Destroyer of Spirit

This song was written a while back with minor changes from the Sample recorded Version below….

Destroyer of Spirit…Purveyor of Misery
You are the true killers…destroying our will to be
Destroyer of Spirit…Purveyor of What is Not
You are the true Killers…take away all that we got

I turn on CNN…then switch to Fox again…
On MSNBC…cuz it’s on my TV…
You call us Victims…not Survivors…
You write us off…but we’re still alive…Yeah

Destroyer of Spirit…Purveyor of Misery…
You are the true killers…Destroy our Will to Be…
Destroyer of Spirit…Purveyor of What is Not…
You are the true killers…take away all that we got…

With your Negativitynot Prosperity
You Preach the Death of Man…not Salvation…and

…No wonder are kids are Kids are Depressed…
…now they can’t live without Meds…
…No wonder are Kids are Insane…
Cuz You’ve gone and you’ve Fucked with their Brains!

Destroyers of Spirit…Purveyor of Misery
You are the true killers…destroying our will to be
Destroyer of Spirit…Purveyor of What is Not
You are the true killers…take away all that we got…

I turn on CNN…and switch to Fox again…on MSNBC…cuz it’s on my TV…

It’s only news if is Bleeds…IT’S ONLY NEWS IF IT BLEEDS!

Just wrote a new song in last five minutes

Peaceful Discourse

Can’t we have some Peaceful Discourse
Without all the yellin’
Can’t we have some Mutual Disagreements
Without all the Anger
Can’t we have some real Universal Loving
We know what that is!
Can’t we have some peaceful Discourse
Without all the hate

Even when your just talking is filled up with hate
Even when your only with your neighbor
Self loathing is king
Even with the Garden around, you can’t see the trees
The Creation is calling, but its inside of you

Conscious Creation that’s what we all have, but your mutual hatred is what we create!

Can’t we have some Peaceful discourse while we still exist!